Christine of The Power of Housewife Word of Mouth? I have taken her off my blog roll to add a blog, Cracks in the Pavement, by my friends, fellow ADAPTers, who wanted to blog about the lives of a disabled engaged couple. Go check them out! They're CUTE! Christine hasn't blogged since January.
Whatever happened to Cheryl of Wishing and Discovering? She stopped publicly following me quite some time ago, but was still blogging. I clicked on her blog yesterday to say "Hi. How ya doin? You haven't blogged in awhile..." (2 months) and her blog is completely gone, as you can see. I never read her last post, was it a good bye post? I have taken her off my blog roll and added the brand spankin new blog, Smart Ass Cripple, by the ever more famous ADAPTer Mike Ervin. You can find both of these new blogs on my blogroll under the new section of "ADAPTers who Blog." (Joe if you don't start blogging again soon, I'm taking you down)
Lastly, whatever happened to the character Dr Gabriel Fife on Private Practice? As much as I like crip characters on TV who actually are honest to god cripples, he didn't really fit in with the cast. But was there a good bye episode for him that I've completely forgotten about, or did he just simply vanish?
New York Times Features Obituary of Diane Coleman
2 months ago
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